Over 150 civil society representatives gathered at the European Economic and Social Committee to voice and discuss their positions on a global Post-2015 framework for poverty eradication and sustainable development in Brussels, on 13 and 14 February 2014. Participants from local, regional and national authorities, EU and UN level policy-makers, social partners, organizations and networks active in the field of ...
Read More »Who is Who in the EU – Marjory van den Broeke
Marjory van den Broeke.- Head of Parliament’s Press Unit since February 2007, she joined the European Parliament press service in 1995. Graduated in English Literature at the University of Amsterdam and – later – at the British Open University in political sciences. She worked as a journalist for the AP in Amsterdam, for Dutch radio and – briefly – for ...
Read More »Turkey, Spain and Portugal Universities, together in an EU project for people with specials needs
The European IRIS project wants to provide a natural interaction communication platform accessible and adapted for all users, particularly for people with speech impairments and elderly in indoor scenarios. Human-Computer interaction with this platform will adopt the principles of universal design and natural user interfaces such as speech, silent speech, gestures, tactile devices, pictograms, animated characters and personalized synthetic voices. ...
Read More »Launch the AB-Bilgi European project website www.ab-bilgi.indagando.tv
A communication frame 2.0 with all information to know step by step this initiative that will approach the European Union to Turkish journalists and citizens Television programs, news, interviews, reports and newsletters will shape the website, with the social media created to establish networks between journalists and international cooperation experts.
Read More »EU and Turkey Civil Society Dialogue III
This Project is funded by the European Union and the Republic of Turkey. As a continuation of the previous civil society dialogue projects, “Strengthening Civil Society Dialogue between the EU and Turkey- III Grant Programmes” have been launched on May 20, 2013. The main aim of this grant programme is to give opportunity to the Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in ...
Read More »Our World, our dignity, our future: EU launches the European Year for Development 2015
As 2015 begins, so does the European Year for Development (EYD2015) − a year dedicated to raising awareness, engaging Europeans everywhere in the EU’s development cooperation and sparking a debate around the motto ‘Our world, our dignity, our future’. The EYD2015 was proposed by the European Commission and unanimously adopted by the European Parliament and Council. It is an opportunity ...
Read More »Who is Who in the EU – Bela Szombati
Bela Szombati.- Charge d’Affaires a.i. since 28/10/14, Minister Counsellor, Deputy Head of Delegation of the European Union to Turkey. He is a career diplomat, before coming to Turkey served in Washington, London and Paris representing Hungary. The Delegation of the European Union to Turkey seeks to meet the needs that rise from the intense and multidimensional ties, with over 120 ...
Read More »Give us your opinion
Abdullah Reha Nazli
Journalist, entrepreneur and expert on audiovisual communication. He's a manager of a bookstore and a small TV producer. You can find more about him at www.rehha.com
Do you think European journalists know the real life in Turkey and vice versa?
There is not sufficient information about the opportunities of Turkey in the framework of EU policies and programs. So information and training given by consultants with experience in these subjects can help to inform and train people how they can advantage of these opportunities. So such a knowhow projects I think that it is in the according to the needs of Turkish society.
Indagando TV leads a project to spread the European Union in Turkey
Madrid, September 2014.- Indagando TV is going to lead the AB-BILGI European project, framed in the EuropeAid Program, wich will be developed with Turkish journalists to disseminate the institutions, funds, programs and projects of the European Union and its presence in the everyday life of Turkish civil society. To be able to do it, Indagando TV will have Destan TV ...
Read More »Turkish journalists will know the EU hand in glove with a Spanish project
Journalists of seven Turkish regions will receive training and free information over the next fifteen months, hand in glove with a Spanish professional team to which the European Union (EU) has decided to finance to accomplish this initiative. The project, lead by Indagando TV, is into the European Cooperation Program EuropeAid Dialogue for the Civil Society EU-Turkey III, Media (CSD-III/M). ...
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