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Give us your opinion… Macarena Quijada

Macarena Quijada is a TV Producer in Brussels.

Do you think European media know well Turkey? Their interests, traditions…

I, personally, think no, not enough, but i think that it is also normal. It will come, it was the same thing for us, in Spain. I think it is a normal process of integration.

If you had more information about Turkey and Turkish media, would you be more interested in the country?

For sure, yes. What we know for the moment is what I know via the media, what there is in the news, and the news are not always very good…but I think yes, for sure, why not?

Are you related to Turkish journalists?

Yes, of course.  Because of my work I have to be in contact with them and I try to help them each time. There are correspondents here and we try to help them here in the studio, or with any request.

Would you like to be part of a network of contacts between Turkish and European media?

Yes, sure! I think it would be interesting, each country has a different way to give information, to produce information… and I think it is very important for each country to see how the others work. I think we can learn a lot of things from Turkey. It would be a pleasure.

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