Home » Interviews » Hüdayim Güler, journalist
Entrevista 3 (Newsletter 3) (1)

Hüdayim Güler, journalist

Do you think European journalists know the real life in Turkey and vice versa?

Turkish community, authorities and society are not informed about the opportunities of Turkish organizations in EU programs. This is because the Turkish Media, journalists and Turkish relevant authorities as well they don’t have the information and capacity to promote such projects. Exchange of information between relevant EU authorities and investors could help in this sense.

Do you think the Turkish population could be more interested in Europe if they were informed on aids and economic funds that they could access?

Of course we would like to take part in EU partnerships in order to receive information about subjects that are new for our society. We would like to establish cooperation and communication with our colleagues from other EU countries especially in the field of tourism. We would like to learn about how they promote their tourism. Even that Turkey is a very beautiful country the income of tourism sector is not so high comparing with other European countries. Regarding Kutahya with its very beautiful landscapes, historical places, old culture and many thermal springs, there are no investments for the development of tourism sector. We would like to cooperate about this.

It would be useful for your daily work to be in contact with European journalists? To make your international information, would it be easier for your work to have video and audio tools about Europe?

We are keen on participating in any kind of experience about common subjects and of course in common source that we could receive photos, videos about different subjects that we could use in our daily life is more that welcomed and of course can help us in our work.

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EU in Turkey - Approching the EU to citizens through journalists | AB Türkiye'de- Vatandaşlara Gazetecilerle Ulaşan AB | UE en Turquía – Acercar la UE a los ciudadanos a través de los periodistas
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