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New call for civil society in Turkey about justice, freedom and security

The Central Finance and Contracts Unit on behalf of the Republic of Turkey is seeking proposals to be implemented in Turkey with financial assistance from the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) 2011 programming for Turkey.

A new call for proposals has been published on the last days. In this occasion the new call aims to achieve a high level of mutual understanding between all sectors of civil society in Turkey and in the EU Member States, including the implications of Turkey’s EU membership.

The specific objective of this Call is establishment of strong links and a high level cooperation between civil society in Turkey and the EU Member States through civil society dialogue in the area of justice, freedom and security where civil society dialogue is particularly valuable for Turkey’s successful accession to the EU.

The proposed project (Action) should fall in the priority area (migration, asylum and fight against human trafficking) in the field of justice, freedom and security.

The full Guidelines for Grant Applicants are available for consultation here.

An information meeting(s) on this Call for Proposals will be held. For the exact date(s) and location(s) of the information meeting(s), please follow the CFCU (http://www.cfcu.gov.tr) and the Ministry for EU Affairs (http://www.ab.gov.tr) websites.

The deadline for submission of proposals is 01 June 2015 at 16:00 hrs (local time).

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Civil Society Dialogue
Ministry for EU Affairs