The European Commission, together with the 28 EU member states contribute with half humanitarian aid worldwide. This is the largest donor to act in humanitarian crises or natural disasters. In this AB BILGI TV program we will know the work of the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations department (ECHO) and the humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence. Also we will know thoroughly the “EU Children of Peace” project, developed in the DR Congo to promote quality education and creative activities that help children develop the skills that serve them to build a peaceful future.
In the last 10 years, the number of people affected by humanitarian crises has doubled and the cost of humanitarian aid has tripled. The 28 EU member states, together with the European Commission, provide much of the aid as they are, collectively, the largest donor in the world that seeks humanitarian aid since 1992 in 110 countries. In this AB Bilgi TV program, “Solidarity, the heart of European values,” know the role of the Department of Humanitarian Aid and Civil Protection of the European Commission (ECHO), the humanitarian principles and the project “EU Children of Peace” which is developed to provide quality education to children in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
For 20 years, ECHO has helped millions of victims in 140 countries around the world. In this department they work together 400 experts in 44 offices in recipient countries. They also have the support of 200 partners (NGOs and organizations). Each year, the European Commission intervenes in some 100 crises seeking nutrition, shelter, medical assistance or water and sanitation.
The present European migrant crisis has demonstrated that humanitarian aid has challenges to face, must be adapted to each reality and can be more efficient and safe. The “World Humanitarian Summit” held in Istanbul in May 2016 discussed how to reshape the system of global humanitarian aid.
Humanitarian principles emerged after the second World War to establish a framework of programs to help and protect the life of humanitarian workers. Humanity, impartiality, neutrality and independence, are the principles that guarantee that aid helps all people equally, regardless of their beliefs or race, or that workers do not take sides in the conflict areas, but work for help people.
These principles are reflected in the “EU Children for Peace” program, launched in the Democratic Republic of Congo,a country immersed in a rooted conflict for more than 20 years. This project aims to provide quality education as a means to build the future and as a form of protection against adverse circumstances. In addition they provide resources for teacher training and organize activities as “Dance4Peace” around music and dance. TV Programme