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The European Union updates in Cork its commitment to rural development

The European Conference on Rural Development was held  in Cork 20 years ago.  This meeting ended with the Cork Declaration, a document whose firm promoted rural development policies by including them as priorities on the European agenda. The Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development wants to repeat this milestone with the celebration of a new Conference, also in Cork, on 5 and 6 September 2016.

The conference will involve about 250 representatives of organizations or rural development progamms stakeholders and is also open to the general public.

For two days the Conference will run workshops on employment, food chain, water and environment, innovation or social inclusion, and a plenary session where all the ideas will be brought toghether.

The Cork Declaration of 1996, highlighted that, although 80% of the territory of the European Union is rural, and that a quarter of the population lives in these areas, their main source of economic resources, agriculture, it is not a prevalent sector for the European Union anymore. To correct the effects of this decline, the Cork Declaration established ten points on which to build rural development policies:

  • To place Rural Development in EU policies agenda.
  • To create integrated approach policies wtih awareness of this áreas wich are more in need.
  • To support diversification of economy.
  • To promote sustainability.
  • To create a common framework but foloww the principle of subsidiaruty, given the diversity of rural áreas.
  • Achieve simplification of legislation.
  • Development of consistent and transparent programs.
  • Use of local financial resources and promotion of synergies between public and private funding.
  • Technical assistance in management for local governments.
  • Monitoring and evaluation to ensure transparency and the participation of the stakeholders.

The conference, to be held in September, will end with a new Cork Declaration in which the commitment of the European Union Rural Development will be renewed.


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