For the last 50 years the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been the European Union’s (EU) most important common policy. The fundamental objectives of the CAP is the viable production of food, the sustainable management of our natural resources, and maintaining a living countryside In this programe, we will see a very original project , BIOES, focused on creating new ...
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Solidarity, at the heart of European values
Throughout the world, milloons of people: are living in hunger, caught in conflict and displaced. In 2011 there were 302 natural disasters, ruining livelihoods. ECHO, the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) ensures rapid and effective delivery of EU relief assistance through its two main instruments: humanitarian aid and civil protection. We tell how the European Union assists the most vulnerable populations in this ...
Read More »How is the European Union working to face migratory crisis in the Mediterranean?
Are refugees welcome in Europe? This was the title of the European Youth Event 2016 that took place in May in the Strasbourg Parliament. Young people from all over Europe could listen the nightmare stories of young Syrian refugees that fled war. The plight of thousands of migrants putting their lives in peril to cross the mediterranean has shocked and ...
Read More »The rol of the European Union in the fight against the extinction of species
In recent years, there is a reduction in populations of many European species: Just to give some examples 64% species of endemic flora have been extinct in nature and 38% of bird species are threatened. In Europe, we have witnessed the first case of extinction of a species listed in the Habitats Directive (the Pyrenean mountain goat or Bucardo. Turkey is in ...
Read More »Climate change and his impact in the whole world
The fight against the climate change is one of the priorities of the European Union. The EU will destine until 2020 20 % of his budget in actions related to the climate change. Some of his effects as the increase of some natural disasters have in addition a great impact in our system of critical infrastructures. In this program we ...
Read More »Posidonia Oceanica in the dark forest to be protected
Forests are essential for life, but also the seabed, and although we are very close to it, particularly in our Mediterranean sea, we do not know much about it. Today we will discuss about Oceanic Posidonia, an endemic Mediterranean plant that you can see if you live in countries like Turkey or Spain. A spanish project from the NGO Oceánidas ...
Read More »Education.All the opportunities to be formed in the EU
Education is a must for a promising and secure future and a stable life. That is why it has been a priority for the European Union. In our days, 70 million Europeans lack adequate reading and writing skills, and even more have poor numeracy and digitals skills. 40% of European employers report that they cannot find people with the right skills to ...
Read More »How to know the state of health of our planet
To explore the Universe and the spatial trips are one of the big challenges of the century XXI. In last 40 years 20 European countries have worked hard to be in the first line in the spatial career. In this program we will know the program Copernicus directed by the European Commission, a system to monitor the land, his information ...
Read More »Taking care to a common world
How to care for the planet to which we belong? Climate change threatens life on the planet and there are many research programs that seek to explain and deal with it. In this AB- Bilgi Project program, “Taking care of a common world” we will know what the perception of citizens about climate change is and our way of fighting.
Read More »“Discovering European Union” – So similar, so different, so European
Indagando TV shows the key institutions of the European Union through a TV Programme. It is one of the main actions of AB-Bilgi Project, framed within EuropeAid programme. “Discovering European Union” is a Turkish-Spanish coproduction, leaded by Turkish producer Ideyapim and the Spanish channel Indagando TV. A series of a 10 TV Programmes aimed at journalists, civil groups and Turkish ...
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