Only in 2015, a million refugees arrived in Europe fleeing conflicts like the war in Syria. This influx of people caused a migration crisis and forced the member states to take measures to receive refugees. In this program AB-Bilgi TV, “How is dealing with the European Union’s migration crisis in the Mediterranean?” we will see a report on the decision process of the member states about asylum and relocation policies. We will also know the testimony of two d Syrian women currently living in the Netherlands. In addition we will enter a session of the European Youth Event 2016 where two young Syrians reported to other young European people his travels around the Mediterranean fleeing war, to reach European territory.
In reviewing programs of AB-Bilgi TV programs are making a review of EU policies and programs that develop in different fields and now, we stop at the biggest crisis that has faced the EU, the massive influx of foreigners, especially from Syria, fleeing various wars and looking for a place to live. Under the title “How is the European Union facing the migration crisis in the Mediterranean?” we will know the crisis from the point of view of EU policies and vision of refugees.
The report “The inside story of what happened in European migration crisis” makes a chronological review of the European Council meetings finding a common solution to this crisis, the difficulties they encountered and European priorities in this area . In the report they will reveal the difficulty to agree the interests of the 28 member countries, taking into account that the main objective was to save lives and then manage the relocation of thousands of people and their asylum claims.
The EU is working on the reform of the Common European Asylum System in order to move towards a more efficient and fair humane asylum policy, regardless of the country in which people make the request. The view of refugees is important to contemplate this reality in a comprehensive manner. In this program we will see a report that gives us the testimony of two Syrian women, refugees in the Netherlands. Finishing we will be also attending the European Youth Event 2016, starring in by two young Syrians who, after the dangerous journey across the Mediterranean, and submission to the mafias that guarantee the arrival in Europe, have begun a new life.