The STACCATO program will develop a new research project to promote the sustainable development of agricultural ecosystems. This project involves the quantification of the sensitivity of the functions and services of ecosystems in landscapes dominated by agriculture in representative areas of Europe.
The study will relate landscapes with intensive land use both locally and regionally, socio-economic status of farmers, the potential impact on the environment and functions and ecosystem services of environment.
These study areas are located in Romania, Bulgaria, Germany, Switzerland and Sweden and include landscapes with annual crops such as winter wheat or rapeseed and semi-natural grasslands.
The Stacatto program is funded by the European program Biodiversa and sets its goals on the analysis of ecosystem services and their sensitivity to patterns of agricultural use of the landscape. To achieve these objectives, the program takes into account the intenesive land use, loss of biodiversity, climate change and the influence of socio-economic system in the área.